BDS Agenda

While the BDS Movement’s political platform [1] sounds less extremist, it demands a "right of return" for all Palestinian refugees to Israel, rather than to a future Palestinian state. The “right of return” has been used as a euphemism for the elimination of Israel for over 70 years. In 1949, former Egyptian Foreign Minister Muhammad Salah al-Din Bey stated that:

"It is well-known and well understood that the Arabs, in demanding the return of the refugees to Palestine... mean the liquidation of the State of Israel." [2]

Similarly, Former President Barack Obama has said: "the Palestinians are going to have to recognize that the right of return... would extinguish Israel as a Jewish state, and that’s not an option."[3]

And BDS Movement co-founder Omar Barghouti agrees: “a return for refugees would end Israel’s existence as a Jewish state” [4]

In more concrete terms, if millions of Palestinians move to Israel, Israel will be replaced with a majority Palestinian state. This would end Jewish self-determination – a right enshrined in international law [5] – and turn Jews back into a stateless minority, in a region where other stateless minorities face brutal oppression and violence. Furthermore, Israeli Jews would almost certainly be forced to live under the rule of racist political parties if the “right of return” were enacted today. Fatah and Hamas are the forces that dominate Palestinian politics, and both promote violence and racism against Jews on a regular basis. [6][7]

Even some of Israel’s harshest critics have recognized the malicious goals of BDS. Academic, pro-Palestinian activist and leading critic of Israel Norman Finkelstein has said BDS is “not really talking about rights. They’re talking about [how] they want to destroy Israel.” [8] Similarly, Professor Noam Chomsky accused BDS of calling for “the destruction of Israel,” and said that “if you really hate the Palestinians, [BDS] is a good step because it’s going to harm them.” [9]

Both the Jewish people and the Palestinian people have a right to self-determination. The only way to achieve justice and peace between them is through compromise and negotiations. Instead of bringing the two communities closer together, BDS tries to shut down all dialogue and cooperation unless the Israeli side agrees to the political agenda of BDS in advance. This is a recipe for endless injustice and conflict. [10]

Some claim that BDS is the only action people around the world can take to promote human rights in the region. This is false, not only because BDS does nothing to advance human rights, but also because numerous non-violent alternatives do exist. One example is the campaign to create an International Fund for Israeli-Palestinian Peace, [11] which would support effective programs that bring Israelis and Palestinians together on a grassroots level.

It is important to remember that not all BDS supporters intend to engage in antisemitism or efforts to harm Israelis as a people. Many are idealists who think they are simply protesting Israeli policies and truly believe they are part of a movement for justice. Unfortunately, they have been misled by those who make cynical use of progressive rhetoric to advance a malicious agenda.